Benefits of Carpet

I’ve been asked this quite a bit lately so I figured it was a great time to remind you of the benefits of carpet and rugs. (these are in no particular order)

#1. Reduces Noise: Carpet and rugs help reduce the sounds of every day life, such as TV and music blaring from your child’s bedroom upstairs. Any thickness will work. Adding a pad underneath will help even more with absorbing sound!



#2. Helps Prevent Slips and Falls: Carpet and rugs act as cushions for everyone is your home…your pet included!

Other benefits of carpet include…adding comfort and warm, improves indoor air quality, and saves money over time. If you regularly vacuum and professionally clean (once or twice a year), your carpet will last for many many years.

The next step in your carpet and rug buying process is understanding the advantages and disadvantages of each material. One of the most important parts in selecting carpet is understanding what it’s made of. Different carpet fibers have different characteristics. Before starting the process of choosing carpet, you should always ask yourself, what’s more important; durability, comfort, or aesthetics?

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