Carpet Fabrication Options

Fabrication means finishing. If you want an area rug, it will need to be fabricated, otherwise it will eventually come apart. Unbeknownst to many, there is actually an extensive list of ways you can finish a rug. The most common is binding. Binding comes in either polyester, cotton, or linen. There are also a various number of widths: 1.25″, 3″, and 5″. We will help you choose your color and size based on the field material. Some clients don’t realize you can get creative with coordinating/matching carpet borders, tapestries, fringe, or serging. Just be careful not to overwhelm yourself. Sometimes it’s best to choose something that fades into the background.

Check out some carpet fabrication options!

With over seventy different colored bindings to choose from, there are numerous ways to manipulate the color of your finished rug! As you can see, if your carpet is already a bold color or a larger pattern, it is sometimes best to have a matching binding so it does not take away from the carpet. If you have a carpet that is a little more subtle, a pop color is a perfect way to give your carpet some extra personality. If you have any questions on the different methods, borders, tapestries, fringe, or serging, please don’t hesitate with asking us! We will work with you every step of the way! Good luck finding a carpet fabrication option that best suits you 🙂

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